Technology can be a wonderful thing. One woman made tech her friend by putting an app to use to help her win her divorce case. The woman was able to successfully use an application that monitored texting to help build her divorce case.
This application was designed to determine when a text was received and opened by the recipient. The woman used this technology to show that her now ex-husband had received and opened texts but failed to respond. The details of the case do not have much bearing here in the United States, as it comes out of Taiwan. However, the case does highlight the positive uses of technology during a divorce.
What forms of technology can be helpful during a divorce? Using an app to help get through divorce is not a new concept. Forbes ran a piece discussing some of the more popular apps. Examples include those that help with communication during child custody drop-offs, expense tracking for aid in guiding property division determinations and a range of apps that help with shared parenting arrangements. The later includes shared calendars as well as photo and comment exchanges.
It is important to note that any technology should be used carefully. Texts and emails are likely to appear during the divorce proceeding, so do not use these methods as a means to communicate things you would like to keep private. The same holds true for posts on social media sites like Facebook.
Those who are trying to figure out the best types of tech to use during divorce or otherwise avoid any potential headaches that can come up during the divorce process are wise to hire legal counsel. Why Hire a Divorce Lawyer? Your divorce lawyer can guide you through the process, advocating for your interests and working to better ensure a more favorable outcome.