Does it feel like it’s time to get serious about getting divorced? If you’re thinking that now is the time to set the proverbial wheels in motion, you may be looking to hire a Denver divorce lawyer. Good legal representation is crucial, especially if the divorce is likely to be complex involving children, high-value assets, or a hostile situation with your estranged spouse. Whether it feels like a straightforward case or not, being prepared is essential.
But before you sit down with a divorce lawyer in Denver, there are some important steps you will want to take first. Most lawyers will go over an extensive checklist with you to help you prepare for the next steps, and it might seem overwhelming to act before getting legal advice, but getting prepared beforehand can help your lawyer get some of the answers you need sooner and—it can help you avoid disaster if your estranged spouse gets upset and takes action after finding out you’ve seen a divorce lawyer.
Sometimes divorces are civil and both parties cooperate. However, if your spouse is going to be surprised or you suspect they will be particularly hostile at your filing for divorce, getting some things lined up in advance could be crucial for you—saving you time and helping you gather important facts as well as being prepared for what’s to come.
Important Steps Include:
Gather Personal Information: Document as much as possible, including your spouse’s social security number, children’s names and birth dates, spouse’s previous marital or dependent information, employer names, salary information, and educational info. You’ll want to make a list of any dates and specific instances that support any claims you are about to make regarding the divorce proceedings. Photocopy documentation wherever possible.
Gather All Financial Information: Write down all account information for checking accounts, savings accounts, credit cards, and any/all household bills and liabilities for both of you. You will also want to note information about investments, all assets, retirement plans, and information about any and all insurance policies. Consider obtaining credit reports for both of you so that you can be prepared and are not about to be unpleasantly surprised. Tax documents for the past several years will also be helpful.
Get Prepared with an Action Plan: Laying the foundation for your future is crucial. Before you start divorce proceedings, make sure you have your own bank account and can access funds so you won’t face surprises if your estranged spouse removes money from joint accounts. If you are staying in the family home, ensure utilities payments are up to date.
Do you have transportation? Can you access vital information about finances or assets? Are you within your legal rights to remove children from the home, change locks, or take money or assets with you if you are leaving? Divorce can be very complex, and the right information can help you get through it with the most favorable outcome possible.
Your Denver family lawyer can assist you with specific issues such as custody, support, setting up divorce mediation, advising you of your financial rights and responsibilities, and any other legal issues you need to be aware of. But, gathering as much information beforehand and having a plan of action for your future is important.
Need help understanding your rights, responsibilities, and getting legal advice for divorce in Colorado? Petrelli Previtera, LLC focuses on complex and high-asset divorce mediation and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal. Gather as much information about your situation as possible and then contact Petrelli Previtera, LLC for a consultation.