When spouses get divorced, often one of the largest issues, if not the largest, is what happens to the marital home that is jointly titled in both spouses’ names. While there is the option of keeping it in both names after the divorce, this is ill-advised and almost never happens in practice. Instead, the goal […]
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QUESTION: “Who gets primary parenting rights?” Divorce involves making big decisions. Perhaps the biggest and most difficult of these decisions is “Who will raise the kids?” There are two ways that this decision can be made. You and your ex can choose a custody arrangement together, or a judge can choose for you. In 90 […]
Continue readingQUESTION: Who has to pay child support? My ex-wife and our two kids have moved in with her boyfriend. Do I still have to pay alimony and child support? When will my child support end? Who has to pay child support in Pennsylvania? If you have a child, you have a duty to support that […]
Continue readingQUESTION: “At what age can my child choose where to live?” Children can never decide a custody case. If parents can’t agree on where a child will live, the decision is left up to the courts. The courts will consider the wishes of the child as well as 15 other custody factors. Considerations When a […]
Continue readingQUESTION: My partner and I have two children but were never married. How are child custody and child support decided when dealing with children of unwed parents?” According to a 2012 ABC News Report, more than 25 percent of children are born to couples who are in a committed relationship, but are not married. When […]
Continue readingQUESTION: “How does a joint child-custody agreement usually work?” You’ve been awarded joint custody. Now, you and your ex must figure out a fair way to divide your time with the children. Because each family is different, there is no “best” solution. You will need to consider the following when creating your custody plan : […]
Continue readingQUESTION: “Under what conditions will a judge grant my request for visitation with my grandchild?” In most cases, the best person to care for the child is the child’s parents. Sadly, this isn’t always true. There are circumstances when living with a parent could put the child in danger of abuse or neglect. When this […]
Continue readingThe divorce process does not begin by retaining a lawyer; it begins the moment you accept that your marriage is over. There is a great deal of ambivalence and frustration at this moment of realization. Before moving forward with your case it is important to reconcile with these emotions and act rationally. This is the […]
Continue readingGoing through a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. It becomes even more complex when you suspect your spouse is hiding assets or underreporting their income. In such cases, understanding the importance of financial disclosures and knowing where to look for missing information becomes crucial. In this article, we’ll explore strategies to […]
Continue readingThe Pennsylvania Divorce Process has several steps, and one of them is the discovery phase. This part is really important because it lets both parties gather all the info they need for the case. Usually, it happens after filing and serving divorce complaints, but before mediation or trial. The discovery process makes sure that both […]
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