As an attorney who has been a career divorce mediator for many years, I am constantly asked the following questions:
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The “typical family” is no longer typical It’s sometimes amazing to consider how much the nature of the American family has changed over the last generation or two. The old pattern was remarkably uniform: Dad worked 9-to-5 outside the home, five days a week. Mom stayed at home and was responsible for maintaining the household […]
Continue readingYou know that it is time to end your marriage, but are you sure that you have a legal reason to get a divorce? Pennsylvania law only allows a couple to divorce in certain circumstances. Those circumstances include: Abandonment without a reasonable cause for one year or more. Adultery. Cruel treatment that puts your life […]
Continue readingThe start of a new school year is coming up quickly. And with it, a whole new set of child custody questions and concerns for co-parents.
Continue readingBringing or picking up your child from his or her other parent at the time of a child custody exchange can be stressfull for all parties; you, your ex and your child.
Continue readingThe New Jersey Appellate Division recently affirmed an order requiring a father to contribute to his children’s college expenses, though it also remanded the case back to the trial court to decide the amount of the required contribution. The name of the case was Fletcher v. Euston. In its opinion, the Appellate Division evaluated the […]
Continue readingYou want to formally end your marriage. You and your spouse are already living separate lives. In fact, you can’t even find your spouse and you haven’t been able to for some time. While it is possible to get a divorce if you can’t locate your spouse, you need to be prepared for the reality […]
Continue readingPrenuptial agreements give couples a lot to think about and may cause some added pre-wedding stress.
Continue readingThe New Jersey Appellate Division recently addressed the effect of co-habitation on alimony in New Jersey divorces. The case, Reese v. Weis, involved a husband and wife who divorced in 1996. Pursuant to their final divorce judgment, the husband was to pay permanent alimony of $100,000 per year. Permanent alimony is alimony that the lower-income […]
Continue readingSummer time can raise additional child custody issues for co-parents due to extra holidays and vacation time.
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