QUESTION: I expect that I will be awarded alimony, how long can I expect to collect it? Alimony is a regular payment that one spouse makes to the other spouse in order to provide financial support after a divorce. In the past, Pennsylvania courts awarded one year of alimony for every three years of marriage. […]
Continue readingPennsylvania Family Law
QUESTION: “Who has to pay child support?” Traditionally, Pennsylvania has embraced the doctrine of paternity by estoppel. This means that the person who acts as a parent to a child id the child’s parent, even if they are not biologically related. DNA does not matter. What does this mean for you if you cared for […]
Continue readingIn an opinion issued on March 20, 2014, a Dauphin County judge upheld and explained his prior order denying an ex-husband’s request that he be entirely discharged from paying alimony to his ex-wife. The case was Eugene v. Eugene. The ex-husband had asked for discharge of his alimony obligation, which was outlined in his written […]
Continue readingDo I Really Need a Divorce Attorney? QUESTION: Is there any particular reason why I should hire a lawyer rather than doing a do-it-yourself divorce? You’ve seen the ads for $59 do-it-yourself divorce and you are wondering, “Why should I pay an attorney, when I can fill out the forms myself?” Some people have no […]
Continue readingU.S. District Judge John E. Jones III ruled that Pennsylvania’s 1996 statutory ban on recognizing same-sex marriage was unconstitutional. Judge Jones said, “By virtue of this, ruling, same-sex couples who seek to marry in Pennsylvania may do so, and already married same-sex couples will be recognized as such in the Commonwealth.” Before the ruling, Pennsylvania […]
Continue readingPhiladelphia divorce attorney Thomas Petrelli provides tips about Preparing for Your Child Custody Trial in this three part video series. Thomas Petrelli, Jr. Philadelphia Divorce Lawyer In this video, Philadelphia family law attorney Thomas Petrelli describes how documentation can help your custody case if you can’t reach a custody agreement and have to take your […]
Continue readingPhiladelphia divorce attorney Thomas Petrelli provides tips about Preparing for Your Child Custody Trial in this three part video series. Thomas Petrelli, Jr. Philadelphia Divorce Lawyer Do you take lots of pictures of your child? Those pictures are good for more than Facebook posts; they can be used as evidence in your custody trial. Gather […]
Continue readingYou are already related to the child you love, but you are not his or her biological parent. Whether you are that child’s grandparent, aunt, uncle, or other relative, you have a family bond. You would do anything to protect the child. But as you raise him or her as your own, there may be […]
Continue readingQUESTION:Can my divorce be finalized even though we haven’t completed separated all of our assets we still have a house on the market that hasn’t sold as yet? You and your spouse have decided to divorce. So far, the process has been amicable. You’ve agreed on child custody, support, and property division. There are just […]
Continue readingQUESTION:My husband and I are divorcing and my husband says he doesn’t want to have anything to do with the raising of our children; can I force him to take some responsibility for their upbringing? When parents divorce, they often argue about who will get custody of the children. In most cases, both parents want […]
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