As you go through your divorce, it is normal to feel overwhelmed. However, when dealing with an abusive spouse during a divorce, the tension might be more intense. Because of the strong likelihood that the domestic abuse will heighten, it is essential for you to take legal measures. Domestic abuse varies from being physical, psychological, or emotional. Additionally, it can also negatively impact your children. If you feel that the abuse will get out of hand or become life-threatening, you must inform the judge directly and request for a protective order. To help you start on how best to deal with an abusive spouse during a divorce, here are some tips:
- Being in a domestically abusive situation is dangerous. If you are experiencing any type of abuse and you or your children are in peril, please call the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-863-6339 to talk to an agent. Be open about the gravity or seriousness of the abuse when you speak with an agent.
- Documentation of evidence of abuse will matter significantly. Pictures and abusive calls and messages from your spouse will help you build your case.
- Being aware of restraining or protective orders and how to obtain one is essential. For information regarding this, you can consult the domestic abuse clinic at your local courthouse.
- For you to get more than a temporary restraining or protective order, you need to have a hearing scheduled and inform or notify your abusive spouse of the hearing.
- Consult an attorney about the domestic abuse, providing evidence of the abuse.
- Upon the hearing of your case of domestic abuse by the court, it will provide or issue a restraining order, if applicable, and notify your spouse of the order.
Our IL divorce attorneys value your safety. We are here to help you through this challenging situation.