Key Takeaways
What Qualifies a Spouse for Alimony
When you go through a divorce, one of the first things your friends may ask you is whether or not you are getting alimony. This does not happen in every case, and some relationships may not require it. If you are going through a divorce> and request alimony, the judge will review the information to determine if you qualify.
You may qualify for alimony payments from your ex-spouse if you do not have sufficient income or property. Before being approved for payments, the judge will examine the information and the marital lifestyle. It will also depend on if the person paying can afford to support themselves after the payments. Based on the evidence, they will approve or disapprove the request.
Alimony is not something anyone can stop paying. There is a specific legal process that has to happen to stop making payments. If a spouse or partner refuses to pay alimony after a judge has determined a payment is needed, there could be legal consequences and you could face civil charges.
Types of Alimony
Every state will have various rules revolving around alimony. In some states, there are temporary, periodic, reimbursement, or permanent types of alimony. This may mean if you pay alimony, it only has to be once in a while. It will depend on the other spouse and the lifestyle you lived while married. The best way to get the best payment plan on alimony is by having an attorney represent you and share accurate information with the judge.
Temporary Alimony
Periodic Alimony
Reimbursement Alimony
Permanent Alimony
When Does Alimony Start?
If you need help before the divorce is finalized, alimony payments can start before the divorce ends. The judge’s decision on whether a spouse qualifies for alimony will determine how long the payments continue after the divorce is legal.
When To Get An Attorney
If you need help collecting evidence supporting that you need alimony payments, you should talk to Petrelli Previtera, LLC. We will help ensure you get the help you need through your divorce and receive funds to live comfortably.
Contact Petrelli Previtera, LLC today to schedule a consultation and find your clarity!