Do you take lots of pictures of your child? Those pictures are good for more than Facebook posts; they can be used as evidence in your custody trial.
Gather your old photographs. Look for pictures that show your child’s life with your ex-spouse: the condition of your ex-spouse’s home, the dinner from McDonalds, the mismatched clothes your child wears when she comes back from visitation, the rat’s nest tangle in the back of her hair.
You should also choose photographs that put your time with your child in a positive light. Take pictures of your child’s carefully decorated bedroom, after school activities, and weekend hikes. If you love to cook, take pictures of healthy dinners and birthday cakes.
Share your evidence with your attorney. He’ll help you find the best way to support your case.
If you need help with your child custody case, please contact Petrelli Previtera, LLC at 866-465-5395.