No one wants to get divorced, but it happens. People change, and the person you are married to five, ten, or fifteen years down the line is rarely the person you originally married. Consulting with a qualified divorce attorney is crucial if you and/or your spouse are considering splitting up. Together, you can consider the […]
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So your ex brought your child back late for the fifth weekend in a row? It happens. Living with a custody order is manageable. However, when your ex isn’t keen on holding their end of the deal, it turns into a different case altogether. Treading this thin line, trying to understand the laws, and juggling […]
Continue readingFor various reasons, including religious concerns, health insurance concerns, pension and social security benefits, and even a desire to eventually reconcile, couples in troubled relationships may opt for legal separation rather than divorce. To help you through the process, we’ve compiled a list of five important facts about legal separations in Maryland. There’s No Such […]
Continue readingThere’s no way to sugarcoat it. Divorce is hard. But for many families, it is the only way to move forward with a fresh start in life. When one or two of you are federal government employees, dividing assets is even more of a challenge. Our team of attorneys at Petrelli Previtera, LLC is here […]
Continue readingHow To Void A Settlement Agreement in Maryland When There Is a Big Difference Between Spouses in Education or Finances In marriages, there are many things that couples have in common, such as hobbies or interests. However, there are many marriages in which there are differences when it comes to certain aspects of life. There […]
Continue readingDivorce is a highly complicated process. It is not only a complex legal process, it also involves your finances and will test your emotions. On top of these things, if you and your spouse are people of high net worth, you will have more to think and worry about aside from the most common divorce […]
Continue readingMaryland Alimony Lawyer In Maryland divorce, permanent alimony in your case does not guarantee “permanent” support. The law provides that if your ex-spouse undergoes a “substantial” change in their financial circumstance, they could ask for a modification of the terms of the alimony obligation. Generally, a change of status from employment to retirement means a […]
Continue readingChild custody cases prove to be very emotional for judges. They take into account many pieces of information to allow them to make a decision that is in the best interest of the child. So what do they typically look at? Fitness of the parents One of the first things that the court will look […]
Continue readingThe major goals of divorce are to achieve resolution to marital issues, pave the way for closure, settle legal concerns, and help both spouses transition to independent lives. One thing that pertains to these issues is selling the marital home. If you are concerned that the sale price is too low or the broken commission […]
Continue readingWhy Proceeding Without an Attorney Is Not Advisable in Handling a Maryland Custody Case We hear stories of people all the time who think that they can represent themselves in their custody case. More times than not they quickly become overwhelmed and realize that they probably should have hired an attorney. Since they do not […]
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